Time Now Is,
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I wanna change blog skin but lazy to do...
Comform if i changed it later on i must switch off the comp -.-
Aneway my B'thday was yesterday,no one wish me except some nvm then, actually i dun mind XD.-.-
Mom bought me chocolate ice cream cake ,omg delicious sial,sis(not real sis)you want??
Cnt ah! u must lose some weight first XD.
So...(Cinta Fitri)i use to watch it about 8:00am in sensasi another one more episode!!!
Hmm,morrow is the dance exam,woke up about 7:00am msg sis(not real sis) to wake up and i juz continue sleeping hahahahaha!!! about 8:00 wake up again play psp and i was playing fifa08 happily,enjoying, goaling until i dint relizes it was 9:30!!! omg!!!
I Bath and get ready for dance,dance strt at 10:30.
After paking up all it was 10:15,took bus and set off to New Zealand -.- no lah...set off to school
Reach there chit chat with fwens and go in dance studio and while wating Mr Chong to do all the calling stuff we play restling behind,Mr Chong gib permission to do what ever we want XD.
I fight with alvin XD
lol cam paham..........
Many people did Not attend the dance exams siial,atikah and faizal was the clound in todae lesson XD
After that Mr Chong call us to get ready for dance lesson and we continue our lesson.
Went to north plaza with mohd after that and went back straight home.
Remember On 7 Nov,there is another lesson also