Time Now Is,
Friday, October 24, 2008
Many thing are coming to an end,
1.I have ended my duty for Class Safety Officer
2.Exams are over and result are out!
3.School have ended,waiting for next year.
4.Can't wear my contact lense anymore cuz its due about 1 month
5.Hari raya will end soon
So,last day of school,hmm
I went to school and its raining...Luckily i brought my umbrella :D
I heard that we are going to do sprint cleaning...we did...
All of us receive wet tissue -.- and clean our own tables and chair cuz we are going to use the
same class ???
Hmm,then receive our report books and miss ong absent -.-
Result shown in Report books:
English Language---- 68/100 (C)
Basic Malay---------- 68/100 (C)
Mathematics-------- 54/100 (D)
Science --------------59/100 (D)
CPA -----------------79/100 (A)
Home econ -------------------(C)
Home econ -------------------(C)
SS---------------------------- (B)
Dance ------------------------(B)
Music ------------------------(D)
Visual ART -------------------(A)
I only got 2 As and 2 Bs :(
I really HATE One of those subject XD
So... good job 1/4! we get to go to sec 2(T) altogether XD
But i really miss u all alot when NOV & DEC holiday
And if my luck are good meet u guy when buying books later !!!
hahas,upload picturesss!!!

Msg to Mr Kwok,
For the past few months we really tried our best in studies and exams and we really2 miss u alot.Since Mr Tan took over you,we tried to understand him and do our best in EOY,Mr kwok when will you come back??I hope u will send some pictures to Miss Ong XD.
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