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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dang... My head vibrating while reading my 08's post guess I'm thinking too much...
Math was really TROUBLESOME! I wish my math teacher read this.
I think Miss ... did 5 times of Teaching Course than she passed but only with lucky hope.
She teach us as if her dog was learning some basic movement.
Scold us also no use la bodoh ...
Muka jer cantik tapi perangai sampah masyrakat.

Well forgot about what I've written ontop, it is only for Miss ...
P.E- was great, Marcus! Don't put me in other group! I like this group that I'm in now! XD
Dance- was best learned new movement but it was so freaking soft. Katakanlah Melay Dance ^^
the Silat Part was the part that i really enjoyed the most. :D
English-Teacher took MC.
MT- HAHAHA!!! Supporting !!! Clapsx100!!!
CPA-Done all the tusk given by Mr/MRS TAN!

SWIMMING! best dier macam semacam .
Me,hisham and irsyad passed the breast-stroke style.
Looking forward to learn FREESTYLE.
Went home at 6:00pm with Nabil, Faiz, Andiq.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

141 post including this,

Happy Chinese New Year!

May the Good luck comes to you and may you have a prosperous life ahead

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Back to posting,
Heard great news yesterday morning.
Uncle taking me to have a fishing trip with his son and his friends.

Meet my cousin at West Mall and went to Habourfront bus interchange.
Spend a total of 45 mins to reached the Habourfront interchange.
Make our way to the fishing spot.
Arrived there, set all the things and time shows 8:00pm,
Decided to make a hand-made fishing rod with my cousins.
it really din't turned out very well at first but the next day it turned much well,

we shift place next morning near the jetty since there is no hopes of catching not even one fish-.-
Packed our things since nothing we have caught this 2 days.

Monday, January 19, 2009

It hass been days since i have updated my blog,
so now,
Posting something for what i have done this last weekend, sat and sun.
Ncc boys had kayaking, 8 ppl attend 2 mampos.
8 of them are Firdaus, Koksong, Azri, Alvin, Mohd, Jin Xuan, Nor and me.

We were exhasuted on this 2 days after a 16 HRS of kayaking total.
It was fun thankfully :) and the weather was quiet okey.
The main thing to pass the 1 Star kayaking test is to capsize as you are told to do so.
If not, you straight away fail :(.

But fortunately most of us have no problem capsizing, like me i can purposely capsize 4 times.
Seriously, chey...And at last we pass except ..... & .......,
Go figure it out, for those who don't know what is the meaning of capsize, ask me i will not bite or just search the word in the dictionary .

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Today, nth to complain...
Except that the English books are in stock now.
Waited it to come for 2 weeks siia.
Somemore we need queue the long line before buying books wthell...

Ncc was switch to Kayaking,
I really had alot of fun there only thing that makes my stomach pain because i laugh to much,
Two people capsize, Koksong and Kenghao.
Kenghao no problem but Koksong was way to many problem...
When he capsized his spec drop and fall into the sea and sank.
So pity of him.
The only thing that fear me is my 1 Star Kayaking this Saturday and Sunday.
We need to pass the capsize test to pass the kayaking test.
Hmm, until now then....CYA

"Life is like a story, it has ups and downs."

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Eh, my computer giler sak,
Cuz of the "Adobe Player",
I'm pissed off.

Tsktsk,Today was queit okey, chuu...
Went home i deco again my SR Journal,
It has been 3 times i deco it-.-
Bye lah i want sleeeep!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Headache coming non-stop, making my head going to explode-.-
Felt like going to be sick...
Wishing tomorrow i;m back to normal(:
So sorry guys, don't msg or call me, my hp now is dead.
Hmm...I've the habit of doing h/w last minute.
That is okay but the problem is, i always slept at 11/12pm,
and i couldn't wake up early in the morning.

Nothing to talk about school today,
So gonna write something to someone,

"Don't ever act in front of us, we know you are cheerful in your life, but that does not meant that you are perfect than anyone. Look within yourself, look at your attitude, look at how u treat people."

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Second Post for Today,
but only some quote that was made by "iknowwho"
She/he made it long time ago,but never used it.

First Quote.
"Make life useful. Make useful decisions. Just one tiny little mistake formula could change a person's life"

Second Quote
"The best way to kill an enemy is to make him/her a friend"

When is the BP Monitoring start???
If it is Next Week, Saturday, too bad i can't attend because of my kayaking exam.
Pray for me cancan???I paid a total of $50 for the Test&Exam.If i fail,
I've waste my $50 that can be used to buy other stuff ):
Aneway today was boring than i thought,as usual went for a religious class 1pm-3pm.
Ish kena hafal banyak surah...

Bought Ice-cream cone with my friends after that...
Decided to walk around Admiralty Interchange,seriously it was boring...nothing much...
Went home after that ...

Friday, January 9, 2009

Finally,end of the weekdays, Friday.
Waiting for it to end XD. Seriously, on weekdays, time fly very slow.
On weekends, times fly very fast-.-. Early in the morning,mom help
waking me up at 5:30 because i cant wake myself so early-.-
I hate doing Morning PT but no choice it can help me in the future XD.
So finish packing up and my father also going out to work so he might thing,
if i want to go with him to work la...So i accept XD yepeee...
But! when i reached there, they already started the PT,WTF-.-
They say 6:45 but end up 6:30...

I join in la...PTI (Physical Fitness Instructor) ask me to do some stretching with
15 push up,seat up and joined together with the other cadets.So i did.
After that, Running 3 rounds around the school.
Something bad happens,i was running going to be 3 round and Arsyad accidentally hit my leg.
Obviously,i fell down,i hurt my elbow and knee.Might as well took a rest...

PT ended,went to hall to have a talk about Healthy problems...-.-It was boring, seriously.
I ended up sleeping. After that continue our lesson...Again math was so confusing-.-
Well, finish lesson went to Rahmat's house for fun with andiq,shafudin,faiz ,went back home
after that.

Mannzz,i really want to be OGLs !!!

"To iknowwho, listen carefully, i just don't want a fight to occurred again, if i like her, what is Ur problem??? You can't do anything right. If you are in my shoe and you fall in love with somebody, do u like people jeering or talk behind your back about bad stuff within you and the person you love. That is an immature behaviour-.-.Remember,i have forgotten about her long time ago since last year,please la...even thought she is the Class chairperson,you also jealous-.-gib others a chance can???" i Don't know if u take this seriously and i don't know if u belive it,its ur choice...

I'm watching Happy Feet now.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Second Post for today...
Hmm,i have nothing to do, so post something here...
Hm...At these days,i have seldom play my PSP...
Anywoots,My phone are dead because of the network-.-
Haiz. To iknowwho,take it easy,here is a quote for you.

"People always tend to let you down, that's why I try not to need anything from anyone."
-Shane McCutcheon.

Meaning: e.g: My frens always let me down so I don't need
moronic/conniving/clingy/irresponsible/undependable (worst still all of the above) people around me.

Took this quote frm my sister's blog...

as usual walk to school in the morning,
reached school, still many peepo were queuing along the bookstore even though the books are not in stock.-.-
After OMMS,

-FT period- Was not a problem...
-Math- Was totally confusing, that is what i can say.
-P.E- F.U.N totally F.U.N We played Tag Rugby for P.E Activity.
-Recess- No feelings.
-Mother Tougue- We were disturbed by Iswandy and Hakim.
-Dance- Learned new steps and dance.
-CPA- Learn new skills.
Seriously,we smells a kinda shit smell after recess from someone-.-
(I don't want to embarrassed him/her by putting his/her name. So be thankful dude.)

Tomorrow mustmust wake up at 5:45am in order for me to go school for PT(Physical Fitness)
for all NccSea cadets.
Note for Ncc boys: Next wednesday no training but we are going for kayaking.
Aiya i put this note for wud-.-No Ncc boys will see this note even not knowing my blog.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Everyday starting to be busy and tiring
Especially today for CCA
Mrs Goh,please lar dont let me deco the recycle corner,I'm the only one siaa...

Morning was okay only thing is i'hv to bring my CCA stuff,FYI its heavy.
Went to the canteen onece reached the school and saw Andiq and Faizal queuing up to buy the school books...
So approach them and as if I'm a ghost to them...
Walk away and saw Faiz and ilham playing Duel Master(i wonder why they still play that),
So i join LA noting to do...
VS Ilham(i won)hooray for me...
Then about 2 min playing with Ilham,Nabil arrived so i VS him lah and i won,thx to koksong XD.After that was silent reading,was the most boring Subject.

Then it was Math
Follow my English,Mdm Amelia ask us to AGAIN deco the SR Journal Book.
I don't have any idea to deco the book siia.
Aneway it was recess and SS(i like this subject where i can laugh all i want)
SS was the funniest subject that i had ever had,Mdm Fang was the one who make us laugh.
Anyway we will be going to Botanical Garden,you know how much i hate to go there-.-.

After SS was Music as per normal...
and we were told to go to the hall for some introduction???actually not for sec 2...
Then straight to the canteen to have lunch and get ready for CCA...
CCA make my body tiring...some more 9 cadets dint come in Part Bs
Went home and rest as if I'm back from 1 week camp.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Third Day of school have just gone...
Now for me to talk about it...

I'm pissed with my phone...
Cant even contact or msg anyone...
Wishing to get new phone.
So this morning...as usual,seat with our gang...
Suddenly we saw kimbol seating in the canteen out of nowhere.
Seriously la,i only see her changing is her hair...lol.
So,H3 period was first and im caught of spiking up my hair...
Followed my PE,taking our hright and weight,height=162!!!
THen is was art,cb sial our group stay back for about 35 min...
after that was eng,okey2..and then CPA...doing the shooting stars..i find it cool!
Last was the math...abit confusing but i know XD

Tomorrow CCA strt WTB!so fast -.-

Monday, January 5, 2009

Fine,Second Day Of School was bored at the moment then headed to other subjects,among all the subject,math was taken badly siia(wish miss kok dint read tis),homework was given to us-.-
Miss Ong asked me to decorate the recycle corner and finally Mr Andy Wong gave Ncc Boys the edusave form for the kayaking exam,seriously it cost $50...mashallah..

But not a problem lah...asal kan bayar dengan edusave oi!....
Anywoots!A great ty for my Fat hamster,memo,he just went to another world...die lah...
cuz overeaten i guess...hmm as usual my sis buried it near vista park same with the other hamster we had which died years ago,vista park is the cemetery for hamster!!!lol...now left 1 white female hamster and 1 brown male hamster...
My sister just buried memo juz now in the afternoon... Little Nyonya Rawks!

Mimo Sleeping Soundly...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

We have bagun our first day of 2009 with a good strt huahuahua,
lame lah me!!!
Skool reopen tomorrow,cant wait to see the sec -lain macam jer.
K,i'hv change my skins 3 times and finally get a suitable skin now..
While changing, my phone vibrate(msg) from buvan,
he ask me stupid question,"Tomorrow must bring skool back???"
I was like,tsktsk"of course lah must!"

K lah pictures will post tomorrow...

Now its 12am+
Watching th countdown for 2009!!!

Happy New Year Singapore!!!