Time Now Is,
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
A big notice for u readers,
I Will Not Be Updating Blog Until I Have Time To Do So.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The excitement cant get off my mind on 27&28 Dec,
Well,i dont want to post what i've done on this 2 days,lazy aneway its long,
So did some barbeque, fishing and its really get my mind relaxing thought its going to be a New Year and Schools are reopen about 4 or 5 days more...
Pictures will be upload later on in another post if times allowed XD
Aneway,can't wait for school to reopen,hoping to strt a new life...
Many mistakes i've done in the past,all i can say is to forgive me for what i have done wrong in the past.K?
Happy New Year & Chinese New Year in advance...!!!
Friday, December 26, 2008
I cant online last 2 days because of the "tired-ness" after going to SSC and Terminal 3.
Yeah its the most tiring day,i think i will seldom update this blog next year XD.
Anyway BBQ is on sunday looking forward to that event *woots*
(Countdown: 1 More Days)
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
(fish fillet,fries,beans.) (cheese fries)

First time i saw my mom cooked Western Food today morning for breakfast,
LOL,darn delicious manzz,especially the Cheese Fries.
Hahas,took some photo to blog it XD.
Anyway,Mom is buying the barbecue food/accessories tomorrow since dad had his off day work,
Cant wait for the BBQ especially my cousins.
(Countdown: 3 More Days)
Monday, December 22, 2008
Tsk..tsk...I'm having a bad Runny Nose yeah Running Nose.-.-
Firstly when i wake up early in the morning,my mine was about the barbeque.lol-.-
I think i'm over excited...(sabar lah akil!)
Dont be so excited later who knows it will become non-excited.
My mother will order the babeque stuff later.
Heard from my sister,15 ppl $100.
Ish so cheap lol...
You will get all the babeque stuff including the aluminium foil,the foods many all!!!
I donnoe whats the number XD.
If u want,tell me i can gib the number,XD
Aneway one and a half week or school to reopen,and i haven bought new specs -.-
(Countdown: 4More Days)
"Dare to do,Dare to face the consequences."
Friday, December 19, 2008
Well, yesterday had a terrific day that i get to spend most of the time with my family hehe...
Yesterday went out at 1pm and took the bus to woodland interchange and changed bus no. 966 It a 1hour ride from woodland-East coasr park, arrived at the destination and the park was crowded and it makes us difficult to have best spot to seat.
Rented 2 bikes and took some photos after that, fulls of bangla, not to be racist :)
At 7:00pm, packed our things and set of to Parkway Parade Shopping Center.
Went there, to have a dinner. But unfortunately,the restaurant has non-halal food sold-.-
Went there, to have a dinner. But unfortunately,the restaurant has non-halal food sold-.-
So, founded a foot court near-by and we had our dinner there.
Went home and straight to my room...tiring but enjoyable.
Our second families.
Talk about this 3 hamster,
the white ones is female and the 2 energetic bears are male.
My sister found the white hamster along the staircase while she lepaks with her bf.
The 2 brown bear was bought by my sister bf.
So,that time i was playing with my hamster,pandai2 put 1 male hamster with the female,
i was shock O.O,they both were fucking each other.
Seriously, i putted them back in their cage they have to separate themselves as we don't want to have babies hamster.
Well updated!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
My comp is lagging :X
Aneways today wake up at 9:00pm
Wow never woke that late,XD
As day go by the word LAZY&BORED increased on me,
and i don't know why i felt that my stamina decreased:(
Just now when to park,nth to do.
Saw 1 chin up bar, i strted doing it only get 1 -.-
Somemore my hand cramp after doing it-.-
K,i think i need exercise more :):)
but not to worry,the important thing is that, my study must be increased too in EOY2009.
Yeah yeah...
Aneway back to today,mom talk to us about tomorrow cuz dad has his off day work.
Mom ask this,should we go to -johor?-Eastcoast?-Orchard?-Jurong east.
Tsktsk,many interesting place to go,i donnoe which to choose,but since i never ride bicycle in Eastcoast i choose that place so as my sister XD.
Hehe,mom buy all the stuff for tomorrow,than blahblahblah now im updated.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Play PSP 17 HRS,wow,hope it wont blow-.-
Its getting my habit XD
I think im getting fatter and fatter
LOL,100% skool reopen and im back to CCA i will slim down,guarantee XD.
So same thing BOREDLAZY
Hmm,thinking wad phrase must i put ...
K lah .
"Life are given onces,so use it wisely."
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Wake up same time as yesterday,
and watched same channel and show.
Yesterday Birthday Party was fun XD
Luckily my nephew are there if not i will be bored to death.
Today was boring i guess?
I donnoe wad happen to me today,
9:00AM-6:00PM,My hand and eye are one my PSP,I cant even took a break-.-
Luckily someone help me-.-
And i was really lame-.-
So,after that play with my 3 hamster
I think my sister took a photo of it???
If can i post it later on...
"Don't judge the Books by its cover-Don't judge Humans on thier looks..."
Getting the habit of waking up early in the morning ;D;D
Nth to do,watched Sensasi, that is what mom does early in the morning.
So WildWildWet was cancelled and we must go to my auntie house to celebrate someone's birthday.
K,at 9:00am,open the comp and download game since no one online early in the morning(some)
Doanload about 5 games and it takes me 4 hours...
I regret after i download all 5 games,all are not working-.-
WTF sial the person who putted that game...
Bad news,,,
The bad news, one of the game makes everthing worse!,
I have finished downloading the game and put it in my psp la...
Then when i clicked on the game section i cannot opened it-.-
I was so Kangchong and went straight to 888 plaza (The Game Shop).
They said that the memory card i was using is feak-.-
But actually it was not-.-
Before i know it was not feak,
Mom gave me $30 to buy the new Memory card(4gb)
Went home and transfer all the games and data from the OLD memory card to the NEW memory card,including the game that make everything worse,
so i tried again and this time is was still the same(cannot open)...
So,i was wondering if i tried to delete the game that i just download first and all are back to normal...i can open the game section back.
I was shocked and tried the old memory card and it was also darn fine since i have deleted the game that makes everything worse!
I really wasted my moms money and now i need to pay her $30 back.
If i have listen to my mother advised,i will not spent the $30 to buy new memory card.
LALALA,but i really want another 4GB memory card !!! ;D;D hehe...
"Every man has his own destiny."
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Since i have nothing to post very much about today,
Lets begain in 8:10am,I was super hungry so about 10am,i cooked Pancakes by myself!!!
First time do,the pancake was like *&^%$
LOL,if i took photo of it then i can shared it..
When my father finish bathing,he help me out and he did very darn nice !!!
The pancake was round and for me the pancake was out of shape XD.
Ate 1 pancake and im already fulled.
Nothing to do at 12:00pm so i play PS2 until 9:00pm.
See how long-.-
The game was "Need For Speed Carbon"
Newest NFS is "Need For Speed Undercover"
Looking forward to download Need For Speed Undercover as in psp games.
Lol i nothing must to post how come i post till so long-.-
Lol till here... bye.
"Once you enter the wrong path,you can still go back to the start"
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I'm really getting very2 angry with my mom leh,
I said she wanna quit me from Andalus(Religious class)
So,she did...
She say this too.
"If i quit you,i will be finding other place for religious class"
So i agree lah.but than when she said that she still put me in the same place for religious class,i was lyke WTF!
Its better for me not to quit andalus seyy!!!
Knnh lah im bored,tahan all the till second January.
Hmm,aneone want to entertain me in order not to be bored??!!
Nvm,finish updating-.-
Monday, December 8, 2008
Hey,Early in the morning wake up by the smells of the food that was cooked by mom
for later on...
For the past 20 min,sitting on the sofa doing nth,waiting for others to wake-up.
Wait till i get bored so played PS2 for awhile since my mom dint switch on the TV.
Then sister wake up followed by my Dad than both of my elder sister-.-
Switch off ps...
Mom ask us to bath and get ready to celebrate Hari Raya Haji at my grandma hauz .
Reach there about 10 min then join my cousin.
Saw them playing psp,
so i join lar...
Chat2,mknmkn,playplay den blah blah until its time frus to leave.
Hmm...till here then, nothing to post much.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
1 more Day before the Kambing(s) get slaughtered and rest in peace(i think lol)
19 more days before the day of Giving and receiving?lol(random)
K,juz now Morning2,open my eyes than close than open,
k strting to be lame.
Time really run fast.
I wake up it was 9:00am.
Play PS2 and its 11:09am.
Azzan called me to meet me under his block,
for religious class.
So blahblahblah,
went home,8 Missed called all from andiq.
I call him bah,he say if i want to play soccer with faiz and his brother.
So i agree,play until 5:59 and i supposed to be home at 6:00pm.
Andiq said he juz want to cycle around .WTH manzz.
So i agree again.We went to a place near Singapore Sport School.
Me,faiz and andiq race,
Here is the result.
Half Track,
Final Track,
LOL,i forgotten change my gear to last that why First Track I'm last XD.
K went home after Maghrib.
Done updating.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Got This From Azri's Blog,
Refer To The List Below and make your Japanese name by combining
the letters to form your own name.
A - ka
B - tu
C - mi
D - te
E - ku
F - lu
G - ji
H - ri
I -ki
J - zu
K - me
L - ta
M - rin
N - to
O - mo
P - no
Q - ke
R- shi
S - ari
T - chi
U - do
V - ru
W - mei
X - na
Y - fu
Z - zi
My Japanese name: KAMEKITA -.-"
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Ehh i really really getting SICK!!!
Cuz of a game of football with Andiq at 3:00pm-6:00.
LALALA,i got sick when i ride Andiq's bicycle throught the rain.
Ouhman, :X
Thought of Opening PS2 ,but lazy too.
So beside it,opened comp since my sis finish using it 20 Hours!
k lah not feeling well to post more !!!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
What a nice&lucky sleep until
Mom wake me up-.-
k,she ask that today if FREE we might buy school books later on about 1pm+.
So i agree.
As usual,play comp,bath,eat that blahblah blah,
I was still confused what shirt must i wear...
So i just follow Faisarah's Reminder to wear School uniform or PE shirt.
So i did wear PE shirt,
So about 1:14,went off to school and Security guard smile2 lol-.-
When i got to the room,I saw most of the students wear Home Shirt,wth??
-.-Ah nvm who cares-.-The one i care is the school books.
K,many of my books out of stock-.-!!!
That is wad i hate it,so we reserve for the books that are out of stock.
When school reopen,i need to collect it.
LALA,darn man.
Went home after that...
Ehh i need buy new PE shirt&pants cuz of the NCC Camps mannz siak lah!!!
Went home continue chatting with somebody in MSN,
Than felt lyke my eyes are closing take a nap about 5 min(so fast) and sis wake me up.
Her"My BoyFreind give PS2 to us"
SO i went out lah to check is it true or not...
And its true!!!.
I already have...
PS1,PS2,Game boy Advance SP,Game boy Advance,Nintendo DS,2 PSP slim/Fat. =)
Aiming=PS3 !!!
U know wad,PS1,GAME BOY Advance and SP are collecting dust in my Wardrobe
LALA i think my English Spelling Going to be Rusting,long time dint use and spell English words.
My Handwriting will be unstable after a long holiday.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
A good heart did a good deed
A good heart helped a friend in need
A good heart wrote a beautiful song
A good heart smiled all day long
Was that good heart, yours?
A good heart reached out to help
A good heart walked the beach with the children
A good heart shared the pain
A good heart was never selfish
Was that good heart, yours?
A good heart worked hard through the years
A good heart was once young and happy
A good heart strived all his life.
A good heart protected the less fortunate
Was that good heart, yours?
100 Post at last,purposely add something to become 100 post XD.
My sister strting to have Fever.
First it was Neighbour who is carrying the germs than is was my sister than it was me and it past back to my sister again.I was lyke shocking lol.
My mother fed-up and brought her to the Polyclinic,
The medicine was cheap but the queue was long.
Hmm,went home Mom bought me Nasi Ayam,long time haven eat Nasi Ayam seyy,i miss the ayam!
Haha lame-.-I look at the medicine which was given to my sister and i was lyke WTH!
Panadol-take 3 pills 4 times a day,LOL so much say,i wonder if i took that i will overdose and sleep morning to night.-.-
k,i still haven eaten the chicken rice-.-
K lah i wanna eat that fat chicken.-.-